Lot has been said about the way we speak in Buenos Aires region and the whole Patagonia, I know we sound a little bit more intense than the regular Spanish from the rest of Latinoamerica but we have other cultural and linguistic influences as well. When I first started teaching Spanish I couldnt believe that almost everybody was telling me that we were italians speaking with the italian music in our accent but in another language, in Spanish, I was shocked, but it made sense when I started learning about the language we speak in Argentina and I have come across some linguistics studies that had proven that our argentinean accent in Spanish came from the Naples inmigrants who arrived during the first world war mainly and that their slang had a tremendous influence in our slang. Words like Birra which means beer are used in Buenos Aires as synonyms and you can hear them everywhere and not even talking about the word negocio, an italian word to designate shop or store. In most of the Latin American countries, tienda is the word to describe a store or a shop, but in Argentina, in the whole country, the word is negocio.
More info about it?, of course, give me some days, to be continue…..